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ZENER in Chile obtains the PEC-Excellence Certification.


This recognition, granted by Mutual de Seguridad de la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción (CChC), is a testimony of our commitment to excellence in Occupational Health and Safety.


PEC Certification is the result of an exhaustive audit carried out by the administrative body in Chile, in compliance with Law 16.744. This achievement validates our continuous efforts to maintain outstanding standards in occupational safety.
The PEC Certification is homologous with the prestigious ISO 45001 Standard, which further reinforces the strength of our occupational health and safety management system. 
Thanks to our dedicated Occupational Risk Prevention team in Chile, whose hard work and commitment have made this important achievement possible. 
In the image, you can see the moment in which the Mutual team delivers the well-deserved certificate to our General Manager, Commercial Manager and Risk Prevention Assistant Manager. 

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